Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Video from Gotcha Day--Jadon and Andrew with Matchbox

Since we didn't take the camera places on Tuesday (since if it is there Jadon is all over it all the time) we are posting a brief video from Gotcha Day when he and Andrew were playing with the car. This was literally about 3-4 minutes after we met him.


  1. OK … I'm crying. THANK YOU AGAIN for sharing. My fears of adopting older are just GONE. I know I'll have momentary panic at times, but the real fear is just not there anymore. And may I just say that he is adorable!!!

    Praying he feels better very soon. Maybe it is just a change in environment? Could it be the air conditioning in the room? I don't think the orphanages have it. I know S did better when it was off (we were meanwhile all sweating. Guangzhou is H.O.T! even compared to where we live in the South!)

    So glad things are going well. We loved Pizza Hut in China. YUM!!!

  2. Oh! He is so darned cute! What a HUGE blessing!!!!!!!! So thrilled for you guys!

  3. Oh my...I'm sitting here with huge tears streaming down my face. God is so good, and I am so excited for your family! Love you guys!!
