Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bike and School

A big day in the Rieck home! Jadon found Andrew's old bike and decided that he wanted to learn to ride it. It is Alan's new exercise program. Since we don't have training wheels and Jadon is a bit on the fragile side (doesn't like it when he has any type of scratch especially if it is even slightly bleeding), Alan needs to run alongside to help him balance at this point. He did pretty well for a first time, however.

This afternoon we took Jadon to school to meet his ELL teacher. This was great!!! The teacher speaks very good Mandarin Chinese and was able to talk with Jadon, assess where he is at in his education, and learned a great deal about his personality also. It was such a great encouragement to Ruth and Alan. Based on his developmental level and on his educational level we believe we have a good plan regarding his schooling for next year.

In discussing how to best help him prepare for next year we asked about ideas regarding a tutor for the summer. The teacher suggested that she may be able to help out with that as well. Again, such an encouragement and reason for hope on our part. It was a wonderful meeting and very productive.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like he will have it before long! The ESL stuff sounds wonderful! I'm sure it was great for him to be able to express himself! That has got to be really tough to be able to talk, but not to be understood (for the most part).
    Praying you through this difficult transition time. The language thing can be really difficult. Have you looked up any of the language stuff on line. I have heard of others using that.
