Thankful. That is the meaning of Jadon's name. It also is probably the best word to describe our heart's gratitude to our loving heavenly Father for all that He is, has done, is doing and we trust will continue to do.
There have been times that I've (Ruth) had to remind myself that Jadon's name means "thankful" and that I am truly thankful to the Lord for His gift of him to us. Monday was such a day. Jadon had been showing a lot of favoritism toward Alan which was hard on all of us to the degree that Jadon nearly shunned anyone in the family who wasn't Babby (Jadon's Chinese name for Daddy). I was feeling a bit "bruised" Monday morning when the siren of an emergency vehicle sounded through the house. Jadon was with me at the time. He got all excited, pointed at me and proceeded to act out what appeared to be me dying. I was stunned. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! After awhile I asked Jadon if he really wanted Mommy to die. He replied, "Yes." Again I couldn't believe what I was hearing so I decided to put the question a different way, "Do you want a mommy?" "No" came Jadon's reply back to me. I was devastated. I called Alan who proceeded to call Bechy Zhou (Jadon's ELL teacher who "happens" to speak Mandarin). Becky graciously came to the house later in the afternoon and proceeded to discern that Jadon had been frightened by the sound and had chosen to tease as a way of dealing with his fears. When Becky explained the questions I had asked he demonstrated great sorrow for the misunderstanding. He hadn't understood my questions but had chosen to answer anyway.
That was a turning point. Now that I reflect back I can seen how God used the misunderstanding to bring us closer together. Since that time Jadon and Mommy have gotten along just fine most of the time. We are so grateful to our Lord and Father for His wonderful provision of Becky. His grace constantly amazes me. Not only will Becky be one of Jadon's teachers in the fall, she has started tutoring Jadon in some basic English and math skills. He has a long way to go in order to be ready for second grade in the fall but Becky feels it's doable. So far I am needing to sit close by where Jadon and Becky are working or Jadon refuses to stay on task.
This week we experienced the unpacking of some of the children's books that have been put away for quite some time. Jadon has enjoyed exploring those books tremendously. He has also become much more steady on the bike (starting, riding and stopping), however he needs to learn that when he closes his eyes or tries to look any place other than where he's going he will fall down. Today we made a trip to the local pharmacy on the bike across several streets together. He did great! He used the mandoline to help prepare the vegetables for the grill. He also helped shuck the season's first corn and then helped to de-silk it. He enjoyed the corn very much...an all American boy!! A warm day even allowed us to enjoy dinner on the screened porch. Thanks God!
I am also very thankful for the work God is so obviously working in Jadon's heart. He has started running around declaring "God made me!" He also loves singing along with several worship choruses..."It's all Your's God." He may not completely understand what he is saying, but we are encouraged at the progress of his heart. Again our hearts overflow with thankfulness.
Hi Ruth,
ReplyDeleteIt was good to read your blog. Know that I am praying for you! I returned your e-mail last week - hoping you got it.
We hope we will see you this summer.
In Him,
Robyn (Jon's mom)