Saturday, August 22, 2009

Safety and Security

In the midst of the roller coaster ride we decided to seek out some additional help. Ruth and Alan have had the benefit of some advice that has been very helpful. In the discussion about some of Jadon's adjustments we were reminded about the importance of providing him a sense of safety and security. The suggestion was that we find a job for Jadon that would give him the knowledge that he had an important place in the family. At the beginning of the week we determined that the job would be setting the table for our dinner meal. Andrew has the job of clearing the table and Kirsten has the job of loading the dishwasher. It seems to be accomplishing a little of what was desired.

In addition Jadon was asked to help Andrew clean the basement the other day after tutoring. When he got home, the two boys went at the task and finished it in record time--pretty well also. After that Jadon chose to clean their room as well. We believe that this gave him a sense of control and contribution that is vital to his feelings of safety within the family. It has been fun to watch the two boys do more and more together this week as well.

We now have only a week and a half before school begins. Jadon has made tremendous strides through his tutoring (we are so blessed with such an outstanding teacher). He will start the year a bit behind his second grade classmates, but can certainly catch up. It is our hope that prior to going to school that he will continue to feel more and more a part of the family and know that his home is a place of love, security and comfort. His English is getting better all the time, but he still has a tendency to speak very quickly and if you are not accustomed to his unique pronunciation of several words, he can be very difficult to understand. This is a potential source of frustration for his classmates and for him. We pray that he will not feel defeated in school and thereby come to dislike it.

Please continue to pray for all of us. While things have been better that past few days, we still have much to learn and are very fragile emotionally. Pray that God would continue to grant insight into how to help Jadon know his safe and secure position within our family. Pray that we would continue to see him as a greater part of the family as well. Pray for his preparations for school and that huge adjustment--it has the potential to really rock his world.

Thanks to all of you for your faithful prayer support. It is so incredibly needed. Through this experience we have come to know our extreme dependence on God, but also have come to see the grace that He give to us as His own adopted children. It is amazing how God uses things to show Himself!!


  1. Glad things are going a bit better. I'm sure the adjustments for a child of Jadon's age are huge. We will continue to pray for all of you. Adoption is always a learning experience. We must trust in our Lord to help show us the way! Hugs from MN.

  2. Think of you all often and am grateful you continue to share this journey. Please know I will welcome your insight when we bring our Joel home. I know I'll have questions. I love the story of your boys cleaning the basement together. I know even for our two sons by birth, there is nothing that can bring out the best in them (and their realization all over again that they are a great team) than a big job and the feeling of a job well done once they are finished. Really praying all goes smoothly for Jadon at school.
