Saturday, April 11, 2009

Colds, Colds, Colds

Kirsten came home earlier this week with a doozy of a cold. Unfortunately the rest of us have picked it up as well. Alan has done pretty well--his voice has been affected, but other than that not much. Andrew has had a headache and a runny nose. It slowed him down a little bit, but not too bad. Ruth on the other hand has been really hit hard. The cold was compounded by some mold in some leaves and yard things that we bagged yesterday. As a result she has been in bed much of this day and has had some trouble getting good breaths. One thankful aspect of the timing is that we do not need to get on a plane this week. We are hoping that we will all be in great shape when we leave.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear this. We were both sick before we went to Haiti, too, and then we had strong immune system when we were there :) Take care!!
