Thursday, February 5, 2009

Still waiting...

It's been about a month since we sent our EA (electronic acceptance) of Jadon to China. Under normal circumstances for someone in our position that would be enough time for there to be a response from China. Nothing, however, has been normal about our adoption.

China has been celebrating their spring festival (AKA Chinese New Year) for close to two weeks now. Most things shut down during the time of the spring festival. That means nothing happens with our adoption (or anyone's for that matter) during this time. You would think that after all this time spent waiting already we'd be pretty good at it. And a month wouldn't seem that long. Wrong!!!

Now that we have a real live person attached to our waiting the process has become increasingly more difficult. (Lee and Dawn Shelton...I can relate to you better than ever!) Mostly I want him to know that he has a family. I want to be able to send him pictures and start loving on him.

Realistically we know that it is unlikely that we will hear anything from China this week. But even with that knowledge we have experienced the fear of "What if this doesn't happen?" What if China says "No." These are completely irrational fears. We have already been "approved" as a parent for a younger healthy child. It is unlikely that they would say "No" to a child that we have chosen. Still... God apparently has some work to do on us yet!! Like remembering...

During the wait God has used various things at various times to encourage us. He has used His Word, showing us through the experiences of God's people that His wait has a good purpose. Abraham waited a along time for Isaac, learning to trust a personal and faithful God and then when God asked him to sacrifice that son... waiting and observing God's faithfulness time and time again had prepared Abraham for this moment of testing. God caused Joseph’s faith to grow during his wait so that he might declare to his conniving brothers, "You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive. So therefore, do not be afraid." (Genesis 50:20-21a)

God has also used the encouragement of family and friends who continually support us and ask about what's happening in our process. While I know of those offended by these types of inquiries, I have found them helpful and encouraging.

There is nothing easy about waiting--especially something as momentous as bringing a son home! I know in my heart that God is taking exactly the right amount of time to prepare me for my son and to prepare my son for me. Stay tuned...

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