
Our friend Karen has been such a blessing to us over the years. She is the mother of Andrew's dear friend Jake, served as kids Sunday School Coordinator at our church, was a tremendous support to us through so many things (along with the rest of her family) and is a fantastic photographer!! Since she has recently moved to the Twin Cities area, we took the whole family that direction to meet her and her family for dinner and a picture taking outing. As a bonus Andrew went with them to spend a few days. You get to enjoy her great work and great eye here.
Yesterday at church Jadon became very interested in the song "Agnus Dei" especially the Alleluia section. He sang with some gusto there, drew a picture of Pastor Matt preaching, copied some words off of the screen, and then launched into writing "I like my . . ." (an exercise that he is doing in writing a book in his tutoring sessions. He decided that he liked Matt and wrote I like my Matt. I pray that God is speaking to his little heart and drawing him to Himself.
Jadon continues to make steps of progress. Sometimes are slower than others. He has been telling us lately that English is hard, so we are trying to encourage him. He seems to really respond to the encouragement. Pray for him. He doesn't like to be wrong or to make mistakes. Pray for us that we would encourage him honestly and in ways that speak to his heart.